UPEP provides the opportunity to engage in a leading college-in-prison program in the Mountain West, with the goal of social transformation through on-site higher education, empirical research, and advocacy. We seek committed and thoughtful volunteers who align with our mission, and are willing to support and grow the program. All volunteer capacities must go through the completion of the application process.
icon Undergraduate Student Intern
We expect our interns to not hold any prejudice or bias towards incarcerated people.
We appreciate when our volunteerss have a critical approach in regard to the criminal
justice system. We ask that all prospective interns realize the strong effects that
their presence can have on UPEP as an organization, and most importantly, the students.
Research Assistant
UPEP provides unpaid credit-bearing AND non-credit-bearing internships throughout the year for students. This role does not include going inside the correctional facility. Internships begin at the start of each semester. Paid internships are occasionally available in collaboration with Departments and Colleges at the University. These positions are competitive and advertised when available. If you attend a different university other than the U, contact your college or department about receiving internship credit through your program.
We are currently in the process of building reentry guides for formerly incarcerated folks. This role is avaibale for those seeking internship credit through the Hinckley Institute at the U, as well as those who are not seeking credit. Contact Dr. Cappas-Toro (contact info below) for more details about this role.
Application Process:
1. Prepare a cover letter addressing the following prompt questions (1-2 pages):
a. What is your initial interest/motivation in getting involved with UPEP?
b. What do you look forward to as a UPEP intern? What are your expectations?
c. How do you think you would contribute to UPEP’s mission?
2. Attach your resume.
3. Send your materials to Dr. Pamela Cappas-Toro at: pamela.cappas-toro@utah.edu Our committee will review all
applications and finalists will be contact for interviews.
Dates & deadlines for submitting application:
Summer session: March 15th of the same year
Fall Session: July 15th of the same year
Spring Session: October 15th of the previous year
icon Teaching Assistants
Teaching Assistants (TAs) are volunteers who work in the prison on a weekly/bi-weekly basis to supplement UPEP courses and provide academic support. Academic support entails assisting students with their homework, critical thinking, as well as stimulating and constructive conversations related to course content, and introducing students to academic research and resources related to their interests and class assignments.
We expect our TAs to not hold any prejudice or bias towards incarcerated people. We appreciate when our volunteerss have a critical approach in regard to the criminal justice system. Entering the prison is a very serious, but rewarding, venture; we ask that all prospective instructors realize the strong effects that their presence can have on the prison, UPEP as an organization, and most importantly, the students.
Graduate students, and community members who are 21 years old or older are especially encouraged to apply for this role.
Undergraduate students are required to work as an intern for our reentry project before being conisdered for this Teaching Assistant role inside the prison.
*AS OF FEBRUARY 14, 2025 WE ARE NOT ACCEPTING TEACHING ASSISTANT APPLICATIONS. We will update this page when we begin to accept applications again.
Teaching Assistant Requirements:
- You must be 21 years or older
- Complete the application (outlined below)
- Meet Utah Department of Corrections requirements for becoming a volunteer, including a required badge training at the Utah State Correctional Facity in Salt Lake City
- Attend UPEP orientation at the University of Utah
- Driving or carpooling to the prison is required
Application Process:
- Submit a cover letter addressing the following prompt questions (1-2 pages):
- What is your initial interest/motivation in teaching for UPEP?
- What do you look forward to as a UPEP instructor? What are your expectations?
- How do you think you would contribute to UPEP´s mission?
- Submit your resume or CV
- After all materials are received, a UPEP team member will contact you to complete an interview, if you have met the qualifications
*Please note that applications which do not follow these guidelines will not be considered.
icon Instructor
UPEP is dedicated to working with dynamic instructors who have experience teaching at the college level.
We are eager to meet instructors that facilitate engaging, reflective, and analytic classroom discussions and through other pedagogical activities.
The instructor application is for those who wish to teach courses or workshops at 2 weeks or longer. Instructor positions are currently unpaid.
We expect our instructors to not hold any prejudice or bias towards incarcerated people. We appreciate when our instructors have a critical approach in regard to the criminal justice system. Entering the prison is a very serious, but rewarding, venture; we ask that all prospective instructors realize the strong effects that their presence can have on the prison, UPEP as an organization, and most importantly, the students.
Instructor Requirements:
- Master's degree or higher
- Previous teaching experience and knowledgeable in the content area
- Complete the UPEP application process
- Meet Utah Department of Corrections requirements for becoming a volunteer, including a required badge training at the Utah State Correctional Facity in Salt Lake City
- Attend UPEP orientation at the University of Utah
- Driving or carpooling to the prison is required
- Review these documents that inform prospective instructors on the resources available to students and instrutors inside:
Application Requirements
- Cover letter addressing the following prompt questions (1-2 pages):
- What is your initial interest/motivation in teaching for UPEP?
- What do you look forward to as a UPEP instructor? What are your expectations?
- How do you think you would contribute to UPEP´s mission?
- CV
- Two-Three-page course proposal with course title, description, objectives, book lists, materials costs if applicable, and weekly course breakdown. Please download the course proposal here. Please submit the completed form as part of your materials.
- Draft of course syllabus
- After all materials are received, the UPEP program coordinator will contact qualified candidates to schedule an interview.
Please note that applications which do not follow these guidelines will not be considered.
Dates & deadlines for submitting application:
Summer session: March 15th of the same year
Fall Session: July 15th of the same year
Spring Session: October 15th of the previous year
icon One-Time Guest Lecture
Do you have a research topic that you would like to share with our students? A creative workshop? A recently released book? UPEP is seeking individuals to provide engaging and innovative lectures at the prison for various lecture series. Previous lectures have included presentations on topics as varied as climate change, algorithms, and birds!All fields and disciplines encouraged to apply. Lectures should be geared toward a generalist audience. We seek to provide guest lectures in all the facilities we work in. Ask about the option do a lecture virtually if this option is of interest.
We expect guest speakers to not hold any prejudice or bias towards incarcerated people. Entering the prison is a very serious, but rewarding, venture; we ask that all prospective speakers realize the strong effects that their presence can have on the prison, UPEP as an organization, and most importantly, the students.
Guest Speaker Requirements:
- Previous teaching experience and knowledgeable in the content area
- Complete the Utah Department of Corrections Volunteer Badge Training or complete a one-time guest clearance form (email upep@utah.edu for more information details).
- Driving or carpooling to the prison is required
Application Requirements:
- Cover letter addressing your interest in participating as a guest speaker for UPEP and your expectations of the lecture.
- CV
- 1-page description (if proposing a previous lecture, please include flyer).
Support a Student
We are actively fundraising to cover costs associated with enrollment. Students are not asked to financially pay for participation in UPEP. Support a UPEP student by donating today. Your donations help fund books, supplies, and faculty instruction costs.
In preparation for the upcoming semester, we're stocking up on supplies for students, including legal pads, pens, notebooks, etc. Please consider supporting our on-site programming by purchasing an item from our Amazon Wishlist.